Friday, January 3, 2020

Amazon | SDE2 | Seattle | Dec 2019 [Offer] - Leetcode

Original link on Leetcode: Link

Status: 3 years of experience
Position: SDE2
Location: Seattle, WA
Online Assessment:
Two questions, one easy and one medium
Phone Screen:
1 LC easy and some behavioral
Short intro and talked about my work, my last challenge
Every round started with LPs.
  1. Behavioral + One coding (LC medium)
  2. Behavioral + One Coding (LC medium)
  3. Behavioral + System Design (Bar raiser)
    Tell me about a time where you were criticized and how you handled it.
    Design a system that checks the health of 10,000 nodes
  4. Behavioral + Past work experience
  5. One Coding (LC Hard) + Behavioral
Behavioral Questions:
Tell me about a time when you had to work on something after you have delivered it
How did you handle a tight deadline?
What aspects would you improve if you had to do it again?
Tell me about a time you had to handle conflict
Tell me about a time you disagreed with your team
Tell me about a time when you went out of your way in your company
Be confident in your answers. Practice your LP answers until you know them like the back of your hand.
Practice LC daily, whether it's 1 or 5.

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Amazon OA Questions Compiled

 Original post: Link Here is a list of Amazon OA i have compiled during my preparation. Sorry if the problems are repeated. I hope this help...