Friday, June 18, 2021

[Amazon] Lethal for career. Think 100 Times before you join Amazon

 Original post: Link

Hey everybody,

After getting lot of courage, I am sharing some wise advise to all. Hopefully it help all ppl.
Amazon a big brand but its always good to know the reality after all.
If you are going after brand name Amazon then think 100 times (after reading this) before you join here. otherwise it will be lethal for your career and you both.
Situation in Amazon India is really worst and same can be checked on google about it.

This place keep giving you scars for life forever even though some people work without will. I will explain on basis of reality.

Forget your life, health and everything else if you want to be successful here. It will be lucky day if you get
6-7 hours sleep. Your will be working atleast > 15 hours a day most of times. You life will be messed and you become mentally ill with time.
If you're someone who likes your 7 hours of sleep a day, stay away.
Also don't afraid if you find your co-workers (really many) drawer filled with many pills (medicines). Imagine what those pills could be of.

Ever thought, Why amazon gives first year only 5% stock vesting? As amazon knows very well most of the employees will
leave in the very first year. Because it knows 60-70 % will be forcefully fired or made to leave (more info explained below) in 1 year or
infact few months.
Ever though the reason why other companies gives 20% stocks in 1 st year while amazn only 5%.

It frequently hires with an intent to fire (URA / Pivot). Unregretted attrition amazon (URA, you can also google if you dont believe).
For every org / team there is URA % i.e. these many % of employees must be forcefully fired every year. Youknow their carrer is dumped
and these got mentally tortured before reaching to that stage.
This % is mostly around 30 %, but it depends org to org.

  • This might seem odd, however it’s the reality.

This is how employees are forced to leave and thrown under the bus. And their carrer is spoiled.
Managers are given targets to fire around 30% people every year. Actually here employee is made to leave.
I.e. Employee is given 2 options Either take severance money (rightly heard, money to leave from here) or take
1 month plan where some un-achievable tasks are provided to developer which even 2 ppl can't do in 2 months.
See its employee choice to get _ or accept and resign.

  • This is forced termination of employee.

The politics is so high that they will ask old timers, to write secret emails against the newly hired employee.
The existing employees are happy to write fake feedback emails to save their own jobs.

See at the time of review, even if the new person is the best performer. he will be fired.
Manager would have achieved firing quota, without touching any old timers.

Managers fear old employees as well, since the old timers know how the system works,
so it is safer to hire someone from outside and quietly fire them.
So,the firing has nothing to do with performance. It’s political.
The HR looks the other way, even though they are completely aware of the sinister and non-human game going on. Managers are trained to play this slaughter and non-human game.

No wonder why the attrition rates are sky high.

Many managers cleverly hire people from outside, give them impossible tasks, quietly create bottlenecks
so that the newly hired person fails at his job, and can be fired. You can also become victim of it as many already became.
This is how URA quota filled. Many of such ppl who cleared and got offer, don't even know what the hell is
waiting for them.

They can put you in dev plan for any reason, any you will be forced to either leave or struggle and prove your self.
They keep puting you many times there because person can not switch team if he is in dev plan and
they use this to make them their slaves and later put them pip and mentally torture and throw under the bus.
And their career is spoiled forever.
These pics speak reality, how people career is played and spoiled.
Hire-to-Fire. This is applicable in all orgs there. Internet also resonates with it.

  • Ever though why so many x - employees of amazon having long employement gap in their linkedin profile.
  • This is the reason, their career is dumped.

If you're someone who has a family that you'd like to spend more than a few seconds of a day with, stay away.

If you're really smart then stay away - you can easily land a job at a much better work place. The work here isn't technically challenging
at all; it is challenging in the sense that you're woken up in the middle of the night and have to fix things however you can,
however quickly you can, so that you can be in to work the next day.

A note to people who are about to join amazon, or those who recently joined:

  • If you can turn down your offer and can continue interviewing elsewhere, I will suggest doing that. Staying here is like damaging yourself and jumping to poison pool.
  • If you've got no other option, or if you've recently joined, give it a 3-4 months; don't assume things will improve - they never do.
  • This place scars you for life. People suffering the after-effects.
  • Keep coding on the side to keep up your design skills. I personally know so many people who were scared to interview at other places, since they felt they'd lost all skills.
  • If you feel the same way, don't worry - some open source coding is good enough to bring you up to scratch.
  • Don't let their ridiculous stock vesting cycle trap you! You'll lose most of your stocks whenever you leave.
  • If you realize you're starting to have more headaches and aches at that part (you know), or your blood pressure is beginning to get higher, or if you face any health issues whatsoever,
  • just put in your papers. Those are the first symptoms that things are beginning to go downhill. This way you will be dumped with your career. Better to correct before too late.
    I can provide more reality, but long story short -
    STAY AWAY! You do NOT want to ever work here (Amazon India). Most likely other countries office have also the same problem(searched on internet).

Its your choice if you want to spend some time here and then burned and career dumped after some time.
Its always better to learn from others experience. If you still want to know more search google you will find
lot more and real sh*t about this and also you can search "teamblind . com" on google where people have brought the real truth.
Might be then you could take some better decision before spoiling your precious health and career.

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